Un-stance social / 2020
Musée d'art moderne et contemporain (MAMCO)
Genève, Switzerland
May 4-11, 2020
The work is the result of a direct alteration of personal physical behavior in the public space in accordance with the rules established following the COVID-19 sanitary crisis. This Intervention in public space is a sequence of developing the relationship of social distance and the newly acquired attitude regarding the physical position and relationship of the figure to the soil vis-à-vis someone else.
This spatial intervention at the entrance of the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (MAMCO) in Geneva questions the (im)possibility of reading an enclosed museum space through a given situation (CORONA-19). which appeared as a metaphor for the biggest historical and moral catastrophe of the contemporary society as we whitneesed until now, and at the same time, questions the degree of understanding of individuality in social relations measured through the subjective-affective conception of the adopted social distance.