BM Centre for Contemporary arts Istanbul (2005)
Limited Edition
The book “Missing” is talking about missing in the tragedy of Srebrenica. The idea is direct confrontation of the fact of their non-existence with our sense of touch through only wish of the Srebrenica’s womens, to find their dearest to burry them in honor and to touch their graves. Also, the wish is that this tragedy of us is watched as something clean, innocent, what we are finding in white color that signified clearness, so the pages with names are totally white and clean.
The book is printed in limited edition of 50 exemplars, numerated and signed. First author’s exemplar is in the collection of the Memorial Centre Potočari in Srebrenica. Preface for the book is written by Dutch writer Chris Keulemans, while on the cover is the photography of known Bosnian photographer Almin Zrno. In the book are also published texts by the curators of the exhibition Beral Madra (Istanbul) and Branko Cerovac (Rijeka). As part of the book is also a short movie of one of the cult Croatian artists, Sven Stilinović about the exhibition been held in Croatia. Graphic design of the book, which is also selected in “Young European Graphic Designers (daab, Cologne, London, New York, 2007) is done by one of the leading Bosnian designers and the President of The Association of Applied artists and designers of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Aleksandra Nina Knežević. The book was promoted within project “Module of Memory” in the frame of the 45th International Theatre Festival MESS in 2005, and the year after, on the anniversary of the fall of Srebrenica in De Balie Theatre in Amsterdam. The book is part of the permanent collection of Joods Historisch Museum (Jewish Historical Museum) in Amsterdam and Srebrenica Memorial Centre.
Mersed Smajlović, Srebrenica Memorial Centre Director and Andrej Đerković, 2008